Friday, February 12, 2010

Open Inguinal Hernia Repair Pictures Swelling A Good While After Open Hernia Surgery?

Swelling a good while after open hernia surgery? - open inguinal hernia repair pictures

I had a right inguinal hernia repair about a month and a half. I was recovering very quickly, and I thought I was home free when the doctor told me that they should have fun and have been released. However, the chance of these days I happened to have swelling and pain at the exact spot where my hernia above. I was virtually pain free for a while, but I'm not quite sure why I am swelling. Is it normal to have random swelling after the surgery?

1 comment:

Nutritionist UK said...

Yes, it is quite common. Sounds like the area around the screen is a little swollen. If no improvement within a week or two, get it checked out. It is a forum want to see you.

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