Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Motion Detector Wiring How Can I Install Home Security Motion Detector Using Ordinary Eletrical Outlet?

How can I install Home Security Motion Detector using ordinary eletrical outlet? - motion detector wiring

I have become a new home security motion detectors installed in my driveway. The detector is white / black son, but has only a normal electrical outlet, so I can get the power. Is it possible to install it with my departure?


pcbeachr... said...

Proceed to simply buy a piece of paper in every Walmart, etc ... The Home Depot and put it on his son .. To give you a tip of the plug on something that light .. DONT really matter which side of good, black or white wire to the outlet end .. very easy to do .. Do not let yourself get one of them small and inexpensive plug ends or 2.00 .. Legal heaviest in the order of 5.00 ..

vladovik... said...

If you are connected to the objective of the joint Sylphs

Duchamp said...

The black wire is the power cord, white neutral, and it is often a green grounding wire. It could also have been adjusting the sensitivity of the detector to prevent fires ignited by stray cats and others.

analize2... said...

I assume from their OULET is out. You can in a box, and the exhaust pipe where you want the light. Wire as normal (white to black, white, comes with black) oultel the Extension box. Hope this helps.

To answer this question better than you would have to give more detailed information.

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